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December 11 - 17, 1999

Courtney slags Grohl on the Howard Stern show

Also talks about Melissa, splitting with Geffen, and putting their new music on the Internet.

Courtney and Samantha appeared on the Howard Stern radio program on Thursday, December 9th a little after 9:00 a.m.. Howard claimed that Hole was one of his favourite bands and told Courtney that he puts on their music while he's at work. However, the big story about this appearance was Courtney finally responding to Dave Grohl's lack of respect for her.

As they entered, Stern, with his usual knack for words, commented to Courtney, "Your body looks nice. I'd bang you hard. Hey, Samantha, I'd bang you hard too. I'd bang you both hard," though later he seemed to change his mind, saying that Courtney might be too rough and that he didn't want a girl that would beat him up in bed.

Courtney promised Howard she would only smoke a little which led Stern's partner Robin Quivers to ask "How can you sing and smoke?" which led Courtney to say, "Have you heard my voice? I'm no balladeer, Robin." Stern said he loved her voice.

Then they spoke about Sam who grew up listening to Stern, who said, "I swore that I would never, ever go on the Howard Stern show." Courtney spoke about how for years she also would not have gone on because she thought it was a sexist show and might get in trouble with the feminists but now doesn't care.

Stern then brought up Melissa leaving for the Smashing Pumpkins which Courtney responded, "This is honestly the happiest divorce in the history of rock music," and when Stern thought she didn't like Billy Corgan, Courtney told him that it was Billy that didn't like her and feels that the last Pumpkins album wasn't successful because he was helping the Celebrity Skin sessions and that Courtney "sucked the life force out of him." It was also noted that Sam is also not a permanent member of the band and that Courtney really didn't mind all these players coming and going, seeing Hole as a training camp for girl rock stars.

Courtney also spoke about her movie career, saying that she wanted to direct and wanted to have a starring role. She also spoke about turning down the role of Janis Joplin because she didn't really like the music. She also denied rumours of a relationship with Jim Carrey, saying that while he was in the Andy Kaufman character she didn't find him attractive, though as himself, she thought he was sexy.

In response to the new Foo Fighters' song "Stacked Actors" which Grohl had admitted was about Courtney, Courtney sang a song of her own which revealed that Kurt Cobain actually hated Dave Grohl. "When the drummer tries to sing, everybody better hide! / When the drummer tries to sing, God, let's all go inside / Oh, yeah, all of you that love all things Foo / Dave, I have to tell you / Kurt hated you!" She said that Kurt liked Grohl the first year because of his humour but that Grohl betrayed Kurt by not being a friend when Kurt was deep in drugs. Stern insisted there was more behind the story that Courtney was holding back but Courtney didn't want to say anymore because it involved someone they both loved.

Stern said that he liked both Hole and the Foo Fighters, that both of their music touches him, and played a clip of "Miss World". Courtney jokingly said she didn't write it, that Billy and Trent Reznor did.

Other topics touched upon were the auditioning of a new girl bassist (which Stern suggested a bassist from David Bowie's band, saying, "It would look good: a black chick with all you whities." Courtney said she would get her name), the writing of the next album, their breakup with Geffen, and plans to release the next Hole album independently through the Internet.

Other reports you may want to read about Courtney's appearance on Stern can be found at:
MTV News: "Courtney Tells Stern Hole Is Leaving Geffen, Cobain "Hated" Grohl"
NME.com: "Courtney Poos Foos"
Rolling Stone: "Courtney Has No Love for Dave Grohl, Interscope"

From Spin Jan 2000 Courtney in Spin 1/00

In the January 2000 Spin magazine (with Trent Reznor on the cover), there is an article about Rap-Rock as the trend of the year with comments about the gender issues involved. There are quotes from Courtney, Sharon Osborne, and Shirley Manson about the music and the artists involved in the phenomenon.

"You know, the shift from what alternative rock was to Limp Bizkit is pretty fucking huge," says Hole frontwoman Courtney Love, whose '94 album, Live Through This, was seen as early evidence that smart, confrontational women could be bankable rock stars. "At least before, there was some respect, if not sensitivity. But the values changed. And some younger kids, they didn't get a taste of all those guitar-slinging girls (in the early mid-'90s); they think it's normal to go to a rock and have women be a target."

Later, they mention the riot grrrl punk scene and say, "Courtney Love admits she basically pushed riot grrrl pop with Live Through This," and they also mention Courtney's Internet post "accusing Korn, Limp Bizkit, and their management company, The Firm, of derogatory behaviour toward women."

In another paragraph, they talk about Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill and the use of sexual imagery and say, "But when Courtney Love, also a former stripper, performed a song topless recently (inspired, she says, by Hanna) at a 30,000-person festival in Australia, it was a more problematic scenario. "It was this weird, vulnerable moment," says Love. "You could've heard a pin drop; it was so cathartic to use my body that way. It's really a mind-fuck." But when asked how she thought the crowd took it, Love reconsidered. "I have no idea; maybe, since my audiences are so much bigger and younger now, maybe it is sort of irresponsible. Maybe I'm promoting a goddamn rap aesthetic! I don't fucking know anymore."

The photo (by Lawrence Morano/London Features) above can be found in this issue and has the caption "They don't want no scrubs: Courtney Love rocks the pink satin at a Florida show..."

Management comments on new music, bassist search

Sonicnet contacted John Babbitt of Second Vision Management about what is happening with the new album and he told them that the band is seriously considering releasing their next album on the web which they are currently writing in Hollywood. After Courtney finishes her press engagements to promotion "Man on the Moon", the band will begin recording in the new year, with or without a bass player. As for the bass player situation, auditions were held last weekend with over 25 bassists from the U.S., Canada, and some from Europe and Japan.
The full story from Sonicnet.

Courtney throws out KNDD 107.7 for no airplay

Entertainment Weekly reports that at a "Man on the Moon" press conference, Courtney threw out DJ Andy Savage of Seattle's KNDD 107.7 for the station's refusal to play "Be A Man". Courtney believed the station's decision was a result of Hole cancelling their appearance at the KNDD-sponsored Endfest but Savage claims that it was listener reaction to the new single that prompted KNDD to not give airplay to the song. In the end, Savage was allowed back into the press room and made amends with Courtney.
Full story from Entertainment Weekly.

Don't forget to see Courtney on The Late Show with David Letterman on Monday, December 13 on CBS!

"Be A Man" video finished

According to the Official Be A Man site, the music video for "Be A Man" was shot on Thursday, December 2nd in L.A. with Courtney but without the rest of the band. It is said that Courtney sports blue hair. The director of this video is Joseph Kahn who is known for his videos for "Larger Than Life" by the Backstreet Boys and "The Boy Is Mine" by Brandy and Monica. It is also being reported by New York Post gossip columnist Liz Smith that during the video shoot, Courtney decided to go topless and portions of this were also filmed. The official site will have stills from the video this week.
Full story from allstar

Courtney at the 'Moon' premiere

Courtney followed her usually stunning appearances at movie premieres at the premiere of "Man on the Moon" on Tuesday, December 7 in New York. Courtney was shown on the red carpet on Wednesday edition of Entertainment Tonight with straight blond hair and an aqua-coloured sparkling dress. They also introduced the world to Courtney's new boyfriend, A&R man Jim Barber. Jim Carrey did not attend the premiere.

For more info about "Man on the Moon", go to the film's official site. There are four pictures of Courtney from the film; 3 in the pictures section and 1 in the cast section. "Man on the Moon" opens Wednesday, December 22nd.

Melissa to make her Pumpkin debut

MTV reports that the Smashing Pumpkins will play two shows at the Chicago Metro on December 20th and 21st, marking the debut of Melissa as the touring bassist for the Pumpkins.

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